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RSA SecurID Certified Systems Engineer 7.1x 認定 050-V71x-CSESECURID 試験問題:
1. If RSA Authentication Manager indicates that the license is not in compliance (the number of allowed active users is exceeded), what action can be expected?
A) Users without token assignments cannot have new tokens assigned until the license is upgraded.
B) Authentications are suspended until the license is upgraded.
C) Additional users can not be added to the RSA Authentication Manager database until the license is upgraded.
D) The user and log databases are locked until the license is upgraded.
2. Which of the following describes functionality THAT IS DIFFERENT between RSA Authentication Manager software and an RSA SecurID Appliance?
A) Ability to rollback software updates through the Operations Console.
B) Ability to add and configure Authentication Agent records manually through the Security Console.
C) Ability to specify the primary server hostname during initial setup or installation.
D) Ability to add additional Identity Sources through the Operations Console.
3. The Offline Authentication feature is intended to allow
A) several users to use a single RSA SecurID token so that they can share another user's computer if their own computer is off line.
B) an RSA SecurID authentication to be processed by a Replica server when the Primary server is off line.
C) the capability for a user to temporarily disable the Agent software while the user is working offline.
D) a user to complete an RSA SecurID authentication through the local Agent if the local Agent computer is offline.
4. RSA Authentication Manager Replica servers
A) allow the Super Admin administrator to perform user account changes if the Primary server is offline.
B) can be configured to take over as a Primary server if x number of heartbeat signals are not detected within a specified time interval t.
C) require that promotion to a Primary server be initiated on the Replica.
D) can be promoted to a Primary server through a command line utility.
5. If a user is issued an RSA SecurID SID800 token ("USB token"), the user must log in using a computer with a USB 2.0 port and the SID800 token must be plugged in to that port.
A) False
B) True
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: A |