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あなたのPCにダウンロードしてインストールすると、IBM 000-581テスト問題を練習し、'練習試験'と '仮想試験'2つの異なるオプションを使用してあなたの質問と回答を確認することができます。
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練習試験 - 試験問題を1つ1つレビューし、正解をビューします。
IBM FileNet Content Manager V5.1 認定 000-581 試験問題:
1. An object valued property can be used to enforce which two of the following? (choose two.)
A) Security inheritance.
B) Referential integrity.
C) Maximum content size.
D) Annotations.
E) Content classification.
2. Which is the only supported transport protocol for the Content Engine .NET API?
A) Representational State Transfer (REST).
B) Content Engine Web Services (CEWS).
C) EnterpriseJava Beans (EJB).
D) Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
3. When using the FileNet Enterprise Manager import manifest function, the "Retry Failed Imports"option handles which one of the following situations?
A) The import of an object has failed, so the importer will create the object with as much information as it has, then log an error.
B) Object A has a dependency on Object B, but Object B appears after Object A in the export XML file, and the importer will resolve the error when Object B is encountered.
C) A transient error has occurred, and the importer will continue trying until the import is successful.
D) The import of an object failed, so the importer will suspend itself while it searches for another definition of the object in another export XML file.
4. You should always run workflow subscriptions in what mode?
A) Exclusive.
B) Collaboration.
C) Synchronous.
D) Asynchronous.
5. Component Manager hosts a component that can be used to execute certain content-related operations against the Content Engine. What is this component called?
A) Web Application Toolkit.
B) Integration Tier.
C) CEOperations.
D) Event action.
質問 # 1 正解: A、B | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: C |