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IBM Unica Campaign V8.5 認定 000-470 試験問題:
1. In a Unica Campaign Flowchart, a customer database table (see below) is mapped in a Select process box. There is a requirement to segment and organize customers based on their income, which would typically have the values "HIGH" for customers whose income is greater than 100000 and "LOW" for customers whose income is less than or equal to 100000. This value needs to be output with the final target list.
Ideally which step should be executed to get the task done?
A) Create a Persistent Derived field with the logic : IF(Customer_Demographic_Info.Income > 100000,'HIGH','LOW').
B) Create a User Variable HIGH and LOW with the logic: IF(Customer_Demographic_Info.Income > 100000,'HIGH','LOW').
C) Create a Strategic Segment with the logic : IF(Customer_Demographic_Info.Income > 100000,'HIGH','LOW').
D) Alter the table to add a new column with the required logic.
2. In an installation, Unica Campaign has been deployed on WebSphere JVM with system tables in DB2. For this configuration to function successfully, which custom data source property in WebSphere needs to be set or added for the DB2 system tables data source?
A) resultSetHoldability
B) numberOfRetries
C) logToConnect
D) cacheConnectionSize
3. After the administrator installs Unica Campaign reports pack and selects Analytics > Campaign Analytics, the folder containing the Campaign Cognos Performance reports are not available as an option. However, the reports folders Calendar Reports and Segment Crosstab Reports are available. What must the administrator do to ensure users can also access the Campaign Cognos Performance Reports and Segment Crosstab Reports?
A) Reinstall the Unica Campaign reports pack and check again to ensure that the Campaign Cognos Performance reports is available as anoption under the Performance Reports folder.
B) Under Unica Settings > Users, go to the cognos_admin user and select "ReportsSystem (IBM Unica Reports)" to add it as a role.
C) Under Unica Settings > User Roles and Permissions, drill down from the Campaign node to the Reports node. Ensure that the "Granted" optionhas been selected for at least the Admin Role for Reports.
D) Check the folders under "Campaign Analytics" to ensure the report did not install incorrectly to another folder. Move the Campaign CognosPerformance option to the Performance Reports folder if it is found under another folder.
4. What JDBC type database driver works with Unica products?
A) Any certified JDBC drivers that have been tested can be used.
B) Type 2 JDBC drivers must be used.
C) Any type 4 and above JDBC drivers can be used.
D) Type 4 JDBC drivers must be used.
5. Which of the following is NOT true about how a user variable can be used in Unica Campaign?
A) A user variable can be used within a SQL statement.
B) A user variable can be used in a custom macro.
C) A user variable can be defined in one flowchart and then referenced in another flowchart.
D) A user variable can be used in an outbound trigger.
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: C |